"smashwolf", the organizer of the "Human Fox Hunt" event at Lupin Lodge, has spoken up through his Twitter account, admitting that Lupin and AANR are keeping the event quiet because "it makes sense not to flaunt our sort of event in the faces of naturists worldwide", and because on "the national level, Lupin values it's standing in the naturist community".
Admitting that there is a deliberate cover-up, smashwolf goes on to accuse me of being a troll and of being "so midwest" in my personal values, and that people in California simply have "different sensitivities".
In another tweet, smashwolf says, "There is a time and place for everything. and this activity requires a controlled, private, and discrete location". He justifies the linking of his fetish group with a naturist venue by stating that "Walls are walls, naturist, or a kinkster. The same forces that oppose nudity, oppose sexuality, and self expression."
And to further emphasize the fact that Lupin Lodge knows exactly what is happening, smashwolf states that "hosting the event there actually meshes well with the existing community. There seems to be a lot of mutual respect."
OK, let's get one thing straight - I have no personal opposition to people who wish to engage in a BDSM or other erotic lifestyle. I've known people all my life with different sexual needs, and when consenting adults decide to play together, it's fine with me. We need more people comfortable with their own sexual expression, not less.
And it has nothing to do with "midwest values". That's a crock. Where I live in Columbus, Ohio, there is a thriving BDSM community, all you have to do is do a little Google searching. This is a desperate argument. People can justify *anything* if they lie to themselves enough.
Not to mention that Columbus Ohio is one of the few places in the country where women can walk about topfree legally.
No, this is about naturist values. This is about the stated principles of naturism and nudism as have been understood and passed down for a century. What is central to the movement is that people of all ages can gather together to socialize and recreate in the nude without overt sexual activity.
Nudism is not anti-sexuality. In the Naturist Society document "205 Arguments and Observations in Support of Naturism", the words "sex" and "sexuality" and variations thereof appear 152 times. Naturists argue clearly and rationally that nudity is healthy for mind, body, and sexual development.
Naturists and nudists believe that clothing actually sexualizes the body by emphasizing certain parts, that the wearing of textiles creates a false image of who we really are, and that what we wear actually divides people socially. By being nude with each other, as we all are when we enter the world, there can be no pretense, no hiding, and no shame.
On the Lupin Lodge website, overt sexual activity is strictly forbidden.
Public eroticism and sexual exploitation are not acceptable at Lupin. We have found that an absence of sexual pressure fosters uniquely open communications across differences of gender, generation, and genealogy and allows everyone to just relax and enjoy Lupin as the special resort it is. Guests and visitors who accept the mutual agreements under which the club operates are welcome to share Lupin's unique ambience.Lupin Lodge is affiliated with both the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) and The Naturist Society (TNS). From the TNS website:
Is naturism appropriate for families?
Absolutely! Naturism is about body acceptance and body awareness, which makes it appropriate for everyone. Therefore, families with children are welcome at naturist venues and events. Any venue or event that purports to be "naturist" but excludes children should be viewed with skepticism. Such exclusions are appropriate in some cases. A grueling nude hike or a late evening dance at a club or resort come to mind. But the exclusion of children is sometimes used as a signal that an event is sexual in nature. The Naturist Society has no interest in passing judgment on sexual activities among consenting adults; however, TNS adamantly rejects the use of the term "naturism" as a cover for sexual activity. Naturists do not deny the sexual nature of human beings, but they reject the all too prevalent view in our society that nudity and sex are synonymous, and that children should be "protected" from nudity regardless of context. To repeat: nude is not lewd.And from AANR "Nudist Family Values":
Whatever the level of amenities offered, all clubs are expected to adhere to AANR’s principles and standards, honed from 79 years of experience. Our clubs foster a wholesome, nurturing environment for members and their families.Where are the nudist and naturist leaders on this issue? Where are Susan Weaver, Anita Panganiban, James Lane and the heads of the other regional AANR offices? Where is Nicky Hoffman-Lee, and why is the Naturist Society holding its Western Gathering at Lupin Lodge this year in light of the marketing to groups which are the antithesis of what naturism is all about? And where are Bob Morton, Mark Storey and other leaders in TNS and the Naturist Action Committee? And where is the outrage from Robbe White of the Florida Young Naturists, who recently mounted a merciless campaign against Young Naturists America for issues which pale in comparison to what is happening at Lupin Lodge?
The Naturist Action Committee works tirelessly on the behalf of naturists in fighting unjust anti-nudity laws and preserving the few clothing-optional beaches in America. AANR has its Government Affairs Team which is currently trying to negotiate for public lands to be set aside for nude recreation in California, and in a recent letter to Chief of the California Department of Parks and Recreation Tony Perez, declared that "any step towards creating areas set apart for nudity would usher in an entirely new level of sharing and cooperation."
The primary reason that the California DPR ended nudity at San Onofre Beach was because of complaints of sexual activity. How on earth can either AANR or TNS claim any moral high ground when negotiating with government officials when one of their premier nudist venues is hosting erotic fetish groups?
John Dean once warned President Nixon that there was a "cancer" on the Presidency. Well, there is a cancer on organized nudism.
When confronted with the Lupin Lodge situation back in May of 2010, AANR issued the following statement:
I was made aware of these various groups just this week, I did look at their websites and found the content very disturbing. The most disturbing was that these groups had planned on “ambushing” Lupin Lodge and AANR.
I immediately called the club and spoke with the owners, I also sent them any information I was able to find. Of course they were shocked and very annoyed that this was about to befall them, they are very proud of their family-friendly, non-sexual resort.
They thanked the AANR office for catching this, and assured us that there would be extra security at the gate and in the resort. These groups will be turned away and or ejected, and will never be welcome at Lupin Lodge.
Thank you once again for your email and for confirming the intent of these groups.
Sincerely,Disturbing. Ambushing. Shocked. Annoyed. Extra security. Turned away. Ejected. NEVER be welcome. This was a Shermanesque statement if there ever was one. AANR is either completely naive, or they are deliberately covering-up the truth. I understand that AANR and TNS are between a rock and a hard place on this issue. Lupin Lodge has been a respected naturist venue for 75 years and was the cover story of a recent Naturist Society magazine.
Terry Justice
Club/Member Liaison
But AANR took swift action with Caliente, Paradise Lakes and Seminole in Florida when those clubs began to openly market to swingers, and holding sex-themed parties.
The national organizations are now confronted with a decisive moment, to either continue covering up and accepting erotic lifestyle groups at nudist resorts, or begin telling the truth about what is happening and let the chips fall where they may. Lies, deceptions and feigning ignorance can no longer stand.
Contact Information
Tel: 800-TRY-NUDE
Fax: 407-933-7577
Email: try-nude@aanr.com
Email: susanweaver@aanr.com
Tel: 800-886-7230
Fax: 920-426-5184
Email: nickyh@naturistsociety.com
smashwolf's Twitter avatar |
Some of the tweets from smashwolf's Twitter account: