All animal role players will be welcome to explore their inner animal in a beautiful, outdoor natural setting. Our clothing optional venue provides a safe, sane, and consensual environment for you to romp about as you please. ALL ANIMAL role players are welcomed: puppies, ponies, foxes, furries, and mythical beasts! And, of course, their human trainers and friends.
There will be outdoor space for lunge, cart pulling, an indoor BDSM play space, and a large forested area for the hunt. This year, all hunters are encouraged to participate in the Hunt Tea following the rigors of the hunt. Hunters can enjoy tea service on the veranda, with their pups at their feet and their ponies on their leads. Commemorative awards will be provided.This is how a "Human Fox Hunt" is described:
The Human Fox Hunt is a live-action role playing game of whit and prowess where a human fox attempts to outwhit teams of human hunting dogs, ponies, hunters, handlers, and trainers in an outdoor setting. The hunt takes on a kinky bent where the team that captures the fox gets to negotiate a BDSM scene to simulate the ritualized dismemberment of the fox in the spirit of the bloodsport of fox hunting.Lupin Lodge professes on its web site that "nudity and sex are different human experiences", and parents "can relax knowing that the others in our family environment share their concern for the inviolability of all children".
Not only is Lupin Lodge allowing BDSM groups onto the grounds to practice their sexual fetishes out in the open, they are offering special rates for admission, lodging, camping and food.
Susan Weaver, President of the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR), is well aware of the openly sexual activities taking place at Lupin Lodge, and AANR-West was designated to investigate. Weaver responded by stating that their are procedures in place for dealing with such issues, and that no "recommendation has yet been received from the region".
The self-styled "credible" voice for nude recreation was informed of the fetish groups at Lupin in May of 2010, and such a slow response begs the question as to whether of not the national organization has the backbone to actually stand up to one of nudism's most storied resorts.
Nicky Hoffman-Lee, co-owner of The Naturist Society, has declined to comment on this situation at Lupin Lodge, which is the announced site of the 2011 TNS Western Gathering on August 11-14. The venue was also featured as the cover story in the Winter 2010 issue of the TNS publication "Nude and Natural" commemorating the venue's 75th anniversary, so any public acknowledgement of the sexual events taking place at Lupin Lodge would be a huge embarrassment to the organization.
The people at AANR and TNS are not stupid. They know full well that Lupin Lodge is marketing to BDSM groups, but they are hoping that members either don't know about these fetish events, or that they simply don't care.
Both AANR and TNS advertise their affiliated resorts as being true to the definitions of nudism and naturism, free from having sexually-charged atmospheres. No doubt that Lee Baxandall is rolling over in his grave when one of the premier naturist resorts in the United States is hosting "puppies, ponies, foxes, furries, and mythical beasts", with people getting their sexual kinks on by wearing leather and pulling carts around the grounds, where "hunters" can enjoy "tea service on the veranda, with their pups at their feet and their ponies on their leads", and a "Fur Ball" is taking place in the main restaurant where "local furries and kinksters are welcome to mix and kick it up".
AANR and TNS have to speak the truth on this issue which is central to the state of nudism today, and has a direct affect on the future. Either this sort of fetish marketing needs to stop, or the organizations need to re-define what is acceptable at their affiliated clubs and breathe a little honesty into the discussion. Merely trying to keep a lid on this, or pretend it is not actually happening, is unacceptable.
I strongly urge nudists and naturist everywhere to let their voices be heard. Either you support the presence of BDSM, swinger and other erotic lifestyle groups at traditional nudist venues, or you don't. Either nudism and naturism must be defended for what it has been over the past century, or it must evolve and merge with a rapidly growing adult erotic segment of society which represents open sexuality and a kink lifestyle.
It's time for nudist and naturist organizations to stop the deception and speak the truth. Oscar Wilde once said that truth is "rarely pure and never simple". Certainly AANR and TNS are struggling internally with the Lupin situation, and understandably so. But enough is enough. Time to stand up for the truth and let the chips fall where they may.
Screenshots of the Human Fox Hunt, as well as AANR and TNS contact information appear below.
Tel: 800-TRY-NUDE
Fax: 407-933-7577
Tel: 800-886-7230
Fax: 920-426-5184