Although the blog itself has scrubbed any references to Lupin Lodge, the event calendar is quite clear and specific about the venue. On March 6, 2011, there is a scheduled 7 PM meeting.
Masters and slaves Together of Santa Clara County wants to make YOU HAPPY.There is a warning for all MAsT members to hide their "toys" because children could be around, as well as the following statement:
Want to come to a meeting on a SUNDAY? Want to come and have an early dinner at the on site restaurant?? Want to come and have a late HOT TUB dip? Want to come to the meeting and go swimming FIRST?
Want to come to the meeting, enjoy the company of other Masters, slaves, and power exchange couples and then PLAY????
Come join MAsT SCC at our NEW HOME at Lupin Lodge in the hills 11 min. outside Los Gatos.
Lupin is open and aware of our group, has all their permits and has been around 78 years- we are welcomed with open arms, and hope that your time with us will be a warm, loving environment with leather folk and M/s friends.MAsTSCC also describes their facilities at Lupin Lodge.
Drawback? It is nestled next to the permanent residents yurts so play noise has to be zero after the meeting (or we can walk down to play at our old larger spot). But this is t he HUGE WIN happy spot for me. It's like meeting in a very warm round living room instead of a huge round dance hall. The intimacy level is about 4X what it was, and we can enjoy the floor space.AANR Club/Member Liaison Terry Justice made the following statement last May when allegations against Lupin first emerged.
I immediately called the club and spoke with the owners, I also sent them any information I was able to find. Of course they were shocked and very annoyed that this was about to befall them, they are very proud of their family-friendly, non-sexual resort.
They thanked the AANR office for catching this, and assured us that there would be extra security at the gate and in the resort. These groups will be turned away and or ejected, and will never be welcome at Lupin Lodge.AANR proclaims on their website:
The atmosphere of an AANR club is wholesome and friendly. People who enjoy nude recreation distinguish between nudity and sex and keep the two in their proper perspectives. Clubs are careful about who enters their facility and if anyone seems to be there for the wrong reason, they will be asked to leave.AANR President Susan Weaver announced on February 11 that Internal Administration is looking into "several" matters that will be "dealt with in a just and appropriate manner."
Lupin Lodge is affiliated with AANR and The Naturist Society (TNS). As of this writing, neither organization has said whether or not Lupin specifically is the subject of any investigations.
Following are some screen captures of the BDSM website.